How to deal with high sensitivity and childhood trauma.

monika richrath mit der eft klopfetechnik für hochsensible

Learn how to do emotional freedom tapping for

stress, depression or anxiety, negative thoughts, feeling alone, overload and exhaustion. All these may be symptoms of childhood trauma in adulthood


A developmental or attachement trauma may root in adverse childhood events, like emotional neglect and psychic violence. For an ultra sensitive person, the impacts of these childhood trauma may multiply. Very often, the childhood trauma symptoms show late in life in adults. The Emotional Freedom tapping technique is a form of bodywork that helps to calm and regulate the autonomic nervous system nerves, stimulate the vagus nerve, lower stress, build resiliency and self-esteem. All you need are your fingers.

man sollte eft richtig klopfen lernen

EFT tapping for ultra sensitive people 2.0

You want to ...

  • lower emotional signs of stress
  • control your emotions and find inner peace
  • master challenges of life more easily
  • feel alive
  • experience what does trust feels like ...
Wunden durch Kindheitstraumata mit der EFT Technik heilen

Are you ready for positive changes in your life with eft tapping?

By tapping on acupressure points in hand and face you stimulate the vagus nerve which allows you to lower stress and cortisol levels, build resiliency and self esteem. I have developed a special approach of eft tapping for ultra sensitive personswhich helps you to really make a change to your life.

It's simple. It's uncomplicated. It's safe.

I want to create a connection.


For you: with me and others. Join us and meet other ultra sensitive persons who made experiences similar to yours. Entweder im bilingualen Mitgliederbereich Bodyfullsound or in the or in the annual EFT Training. Both is a safe room for you. You can participate from everywhere. I am looking forward to meeting you!

About me

I was chronically depressed.I was deeply unhappy in life. I suffered from patholgical shyness. For more than 40 years I thought my life a misery. Today i am convinced that I suffered until into aduldhood from anxiety social phobia . More than 20 years of psychotherapy treatment brought no changesToday I consider these as childhood trauma symptoms due to many adverse childhood events. Trauma symptoms usually also show on the physcial level: I experienced three burnouts and several chronic diseases, or pathologies:chronic herpes infection, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, hemopyrrolic actamuria, fibromyalgia and adrenal fatigue.

When I started in 2010 to try to live my high sensitivity in daily life and to practisise emotional freedom tapping on a daily basis, my joyous and optimistic nature began to show quickly (surprise!). I realised I am not made to work in conventional settings. In 2012, I became self-employed as an eft coach and trainer for eft tapping with a focus on high sensitivity. I started my blog around this time too. I support other highly sensitive persons to get rid of the impacts of adverse childhood events, developmental trauma and attachment trauma or to change them. My life has changed by 180 degrees, since I started tapping. You can change yours too!

By the way, I write about my own childhood trauma, EFT tapping and high sensitivity and different chronic health conditions on my blog under In a very personal way, self created and without ai.

2023 I joined a spiritual community and upgraded my personal inner work to another level. I feel as if I am connected with source now. I have been nudged explicitely to bring my soul purpose into the world. This is how the bilingual membership area Mitgliederbereich Bodyfullsounds came into being. It is about connecting withe the body and the own self in a very simple and playful way. It is very beautiful! Join us, if you like, you have a 7 day free trial period.

My current offers for you

Der Intensivkurs Besser umgehen mit Hochsensbilität startet bald

Annual Training

The annual eft training is an eft training, where I accompany a small group (5 max) for a year (2 x 6 months), to get rid of or change the impacts and learnings of adverse childhood events, childhood or development trauma (attachment trauma) in connection with high sensitivity with special tapping impulses.

At long term you may get rid of overcharge, build resiliency and self esteem so that you can make sustainable positive changes to your live. To finally live you.

Bodyfullsounds - your online space for self connection

Bodyfullsounds is a bilingual online space where you can learn to follow (again) the natural expression impulses of your body. Through guided exercises (without camera and microphone) you can connect with yourself in a very simple but deep way.

The better connection with your body alone leads to positive changes (better perception, better processing of feelings ect). Furthermore, in the course of time, you will gain more emotional safety to know that you are ok, exactly like you are. You will be able to perceive your needs in a better way and to express them. You will have access to more self love, self care etc.

The fact that Bodyfullsounds enables you to fulfill 22 universal human needs in a relatively short time, leads to a feeling of deep satisfaction!


Der Aufstieg – JETZT

Der Aufstieg – JETZT

Was ist eigentlich der Aufstieg? Und warum musst du dich JETZT entscheiden? Mehr dazu auf meinem Blog.
