My life in pics:

Das Klopfcoaching für hocshensibilität


Childhood and youth

I was an extremely stressed child and an extremely stressed teenager. I was afraid of everything and everyone. Today, I am sure I suffered from social phobia. By the way, more than 20 years of psychotherapeutic treatment did not change the impacts of my very difficult childhood.


Bei der Klopfakupressur klopft man auch an den Fingern

At work

My work life was a catastrophe. Despite often absences due to illness linked to permanent overstress, I managed to have at least three burnouts. Plus the many so called "autoimmune diseases" like fibromyalgia, hashimoto thyreoiditis, adreanal fatige, chronic herpes infection etc. A flu finally seems to put an end to my working life.

Monika Richrath von Richrath EFT Lösung bietet verschiedene Produkte der Klopfakupressur


2010: The turn

I get to know the EFT tapping technique . Now its time for a change. And time for hope too: At my utmost surprise, I have to realise that my real nature is optimistic and joyous. Within a year, I feel completely different. Very soon it is obvious: I want to show other people how easy it is to help oneself!

Klopfakupressur coaching mit Monika Richrath


High sensitivity and developmental trauma

It is gradually becoming clear that the roots of my social phobia and low self-esteem lie in childhood. I am starting to process my childhood trauma. From 2020 onward, I align my work with the approach of a kind of mindful EFT tapping. In 2021, the birth of EFT training for overcoming childhood trauma takes place:  the annual training "How to cope with high sensitivity" comes into being.


Monika Richrath von Richrath EFT Lösung bietet verschiedene Produkte der Klopfakupressur

New ways

In 2023 I started to do intense inner work. I realised that trauma is just but one aspect of our human existence. And how important it is to value our body as our best, incorruptible and most loyal friend in life. And that our need to express ourselves through our body and our voice is vital, but is not recognised as such by most humans. Thus Bodyfullsounds.

Learn more about me

What you can learn of or with me

I can, as a personal development coach, assist others in enhancing their quality of life and provide hope and optimism because I perceive opportunities and possibilities that others may not be aware of. I want to encourage and support you in living authentically. Or to live yourself fully.

My destination in life is to create more safetey for you.

I can provide safety for others. With my words, with my deeds or simply by my presence.

I really like to laugh.

Someone called me once a "laughing bag". One of the great moments of my life is that I once managed to make a whole cinema audience laugh, through pure contagion.

I loooooove Switchwords.

I was introduced to Switchwords by Liz Dean by an ex partner, and that was a turning point for me. Switchwords have become an integral part of my life. I particularly appreciate their practical spirituality and the clarity that the Switchword of the day brings into my life. 

EFT and trauma

I am delighted to have found a way to integrate trauma and EFT. It is possible to heal developmental trauma. However, especially with this form of traumatization, it is crucial what and how one does things and for how long. I have a tapping guide for this but it is not translated so far: EFT tapping guide childhood trauma.

I like to share my experiences.

As I like writing, it was kind of natural to start a Blog It meets my desire to share with you useful things I found on my journey as a very curious researcher. As a scanner, I have many interests and examine the impacts of many things on my life. I am not shy to share personal things. But I do not write about others. (If I do, I ask them before!) I am very happy to live my life as a projector 4/6 (opportunist role model) in Human Design.

To write is as necessary to me as to breathe.

I keep a diary, since I am 8 years old. I write daily, every morning, when I have my first cup of green tea in the morning.

I like to do things differently.

As an INFJ personality or an idealistic healer, I am different from others. Even in the realm of EFT tapping, I take entirely new approaches because it's crucial to me that you can enhance your quality of life. My new project Bodyfullsounds is the pride of my work. It is about building a very deep connection with the own self.

Bodyfullsounds - my soul purpose

I had assumed I would stay EFT Coach until the end of my days. But universe had other plans for me. I have been called very explicitely to bring my soul purpose into the world. This is how the bilingual membership area Mitgliederbereich Bodyfullsounds came into being. It is a bilingual online space for creative self expression where you can learn to follow the natural impulses of your body for expression. It is very simple. But it may not be easy. It is about taking place within you, within your body and in the end to connect with source. This allows you to fill an inner void and to become whole again. Please try it if you are interested. You have a free 7 days trial. kostenlose 7tägige Probezeit.

EFT stories and examples of my clients

"Iwanted to thank you sincerely for the time with you!❤

You teached tapping to me in a way I did not know until then. Without any pressure and so simple! That felt so good!
I will stick to it, I owe it all to you."


"Thank you for your courage and for everything you share with us."


" ... that there is someone, who knows how I feel is something I have not experienced in my daily life so far. This has somehow blown my mind ...."


"I am very grateful, because I know very well the problems you describe. Other people do not understand our inner fights and brush them aside as neurosis. But I live it every day. Therefore, I am so happy that you give us the possibility to learn it and to understand ourselves."


"I made a tapping coaching with Ms Richrath and I am very surprised what changes came into my life with the tapping. During our sessions, tears flowed a lot, because I realised so many things and I always was very relieved afterwards. Ms Richrath has a very fine sense, where there is a block and what might be the cause. The tapping has a very calming, encouraging effect. I am very grateful to have found EFT tapping and to look for professional help. During the last weeks, many things in my life have changed significantly. I have become bolder and have started to trust myself and go my way."


" ... My story in your words ... I thank you with all my heart for your great, important work"


"The EFT hours with Ms Richrath have changed my entire life! Before I discovered EFT for myself, I had worked and understood all my problems and life themes, but all the valuable understandings remained stuck on the intellectual level and had not the power to remove the old, internalized patterns. EFT is a kind of "magic tool" for me, which helps me to bring my understandings into my mind. And suddenly there are changes that come easily.

Very often the sessions start without a concrete theme. Every time I am surprised what valuable thoughts, emotions and insights come up during our sixty minutes tapping trip which lead me in small or big steps to more self love, peace, calm and high spirits. This is possible because of the support of Ms Richrath, who feels intuitively what is going on in me and can grasp everything (no matter how complex and chaotic) that bursts out of me and change into new tapping phrases from where something new emerges. Apart of this, she manages to summarise the most important findings shortly in helpful minutes.

Even though EFT tapping is a method that can be easily employed alone, I would never have achieved alone the deep changes that came up during our work together. Until I feel safe to deal with this tool alone, I look forward to many other sessions with Ms Richrath. I am very curious where my way will to."


"Dear Ms Richrath, it is impossible to express how thankful I am to have found you online and your tapping coaching by your book "EFT tapping for highly sensitive persons."

It is incredible how many things have changed and improved. Sometimes I can't quite believe it. I want to thank you with all my heart for your wonderful support. You could always find the core of my problems due to your empathy and your own experiences with high sensitivity and knew what to tap next. For me it was the right decision to work with you as a coach. When I am honest with myself, I would probably not have managed to dive into the past this deep to find the causes for present patterns of behaviour.

I am totally flashed of you and your work. Please keep up the good work. I can only recommend it to everyone. Kind regards."


The sessions with Monika Richrath are every time like an exciting trip. Starting from what is going on in the present, it is unfolding through the tapping and leads me to emotions, thoughts and memories, of which I had never thought they could be connected. With every session I gain consciousness and ease. I thank Monika for her presence and that she escorts me through all the heights and depths on the trip safely and with heart and humor. I can only highly recommend her!"

Marion Endmann

Body therapist, Zeit zu sein

"How was the EFT-coaching for me?
I was in a very difficult situation when my attention was drawn to the book "EFT tapping for highly sensible people" of Ms Richrath. I was not aware that such a thing like highly sensible people could exist and that I could be like this.

As I needed help to find the way out of a body and soul related deep, I got in touch with Ms Richrath for a personal coaching. I met a very friendly, open and very sensible woman who knows the heights and depths of life.

The coaching was on a monthly base (online, which I found very practical) and in between we had a phone call. All themes that were acute have been tapped. She has a great intuition and expertise for the wording of the tapping phrases, always finding the right words. This is very impressive and I felt understood – it thrilled me.

The sessions have a long lasting effect, like launching a rocket that flys on its own afterwords. It happened several times that a very "hot" topic fell into oblivion or that it didn't matter any more ... This was very asthonishing. So, the effects come quickly and are long lasting.

I did a lot of tapping, but if I am honest, not on a daily base, because I am kind of lazy in this respect. The tapping without words felt very good when I did not feel like thinking about a tapping phrase. Somehow the feelings and the view change – for me it feels like a "widening" of perception. I would not have believed it possible that tapping may show such deep purposeful impacts. The change that happens deep down included mourning, exhaustion, mobbing ... and things that showed up included safety, childhood, own needs.

It was a very happy coincidence for me to start this way. It is a year now since I had my first coaching. I do not think that a psychotherapy would have brought about similar results in this time and if I
had been able to do it in the first months. I like the effectiveness of it– especially if it is communicated in such a humorous way.

A heartful thank you to Ms Richrath who is breaking new ground in a very authentic way!"

