Unlock the secret of your life

Discover how the Human Design Chart

together with the gene keys of Richard Rudd and

emotional freedom therapy

may bring a change to your life

Do you ask yourself questions like:

Mit den Gene Keys von Richard Rudd kannst du das Geheimnis deines lebens entschlüsseln
  • What is the sense of life?
  • What is the purpose of my life and how do I find it?
  • What is my value and why am I valuable?
  • Why is my life a mess and not how I would like it to be? Why do I feel as if I failed in life?
  • Why do I feel so alone? Why am I always sad?
  • How can I change my life for the better?

What if ...

    • you discovered what is the meaning of your life with Human Design and Gene Keys so that you may find sense in life and inner peace ?
    • you could leave your shadows, that may show up as anxiety, depressive episodes, chronical exhaustion or in the feeling of being alone?
    • you could use the transforming power of Emotional freedom tapping , to lead your life on a higher frequency level?
    • to know what you have to do to to raise your self esteem, your confidence and your self-confidence?
    • you could release feelings and emotions of your ancestors ?
    • to know how valuable you are and what you have to do to treat yourself with self love, self esteem and self respect?

    Your personal life coaching

    This life coaching is an intensive premium coaching for personal growth. Did you ask yourself these questions? These are very important and existential questions provided with a lot of question marks. My coaching offer shall help you to find answers to these life questions.

    Starting with the information we can extract from your Human Design Chart and your Gene Keys Chart or profile, we will examine your life:

    • what is the course of your life and why?
    • What are the related shadow themes and what can you concretely do to step out of the shadows?
    • What is yourmission in life or are you here to learn in this life?
    • Was ist your soul purpose?
    • What issues do you carry along from your ancestors?

    My life coaching offer for you

    This is an individual coaching over 5 months. The coaching includes:

    Two coaching sessions over 60 minutes each per month.

    During the coaching session, we take a look at your beliefs and behaviour patterns, resistances and linked blocages und resolve these with the emotional freedom therapy. At the end of the session I will give you a personalized tapping impulse which will help you to change the shadow of the respective theme, resolve linked resistances etc. It is your own responsibility to tap this impulse until we meet again for our next session.

    A weekly call of about 10–20 minutes

    In between the coaching sessions we will be in contact each week. During this call of about 10–20 minutes we talk about your experiences with the impulse, clarify questions or if there is anything else you need.

    Personal support

    In addition I offer you personal support during the whole program via email or a social channel (within a normal scope) to make sure that you receive the best possible support during your transformation.
