How to stop panic attacks, depression, anxiety and overcharge with emotional freedom tapping

hier lernst du die eft klopftechnik für hochsensible
  • Just touch or tap the eft points (acupressure points in hand or acupuncture points in face)
  • This calms and regulates your autonomic nervous system nerves.
  • This helps you to lower stress, reduce negative thoughts and tension in the body.
  • You can also reduce anxiety within a very short time. 
  • Furthermore, the eft tapping stimulates your vagus nerve.
  • It is so easy to help yourself!

You want to ...

  • lower emotional signs of stress
  • control your emotions and find inner peace
  • master challenges of life more easily
  • feel alive
  • experience what does trust feels like ...
Wunden durch Kindheitstraumata mit der EFT Technik heilen

Are you ready for positive changes in your life with eft tapping?

By tapping on acupressure points in hand and face you stimulate the vagus nerve which allows you to lower stress and cortisol levels, build resiliency and self esteem. I have developed a special approach of eft tapping for ultra sensitive persons which helps you to really make a change to your life.

It's simple. It's uncomplicated. It's safe.

I want to create a connection.


For you: with me and others. Join us and meet other ultra sensitive persons who made experiences similar to yours. Either in the Community Tap and Switch or in the or in the annual EFT Training. Both is a safe room for you. You can participate from everywhere. I am looking forward to meeting you!

Emotional freedom tapping will help you to:

Die klopfakupressur hilft dabei mit Stress und Überforderung aus der Hochsensibilität umzugehen

overcome symptoms of depression and anxiety


deal with high sensitivity


overcome symptoms of childhood trauma in adulthood


change learnings from adverse childhood events


build your resiliency


build self esteem, self confidence, self awareness


improve quality of your life


to live you more

EFT examples

Dear Ms Richrath,

finally you hear from me. I am still an enthusiastic tapper. I do it several times a day and experience amazing things: the allergies which haunted me seem to have disappeared.

What is still difficult are intolerances, like "cosmic radiances" or "environmental toxines". I use bioresonance therapy and use EFT tapping too.

I think I learn that allergies and intolerances are not the same.

But thanks to you tapping technique, I can release sadness, depressive moods, pain in the stomach etc. I feel better, more alert, have more joy and sleep bettter.

Thank you very much for being there."


„Years of behavioural therapy and Opipramol as well as the theoretical recommendations of my therapyst had not the same astounding success as the method you described. I have the feeling not to be any longer prone helplessly of my anxieties, moods, restlessness ... I found your page via detours and tried the method in a phase where I was ready to accept the statement of my therapist "You are a very sensible person, very dramatic and your behaviour patterns will always arise with blocked emotions and overstress".
After having tapped for some days, I know it wont happen! Thank you for being present online!"

I am very high sensitive, I just came to realise that recently. It has been a hard way so far and I have hurt other people through my behaviour. I never gave up.

I found today your page on you tube and don't think it is no coincidence. I have downloaded the basic techniques of tapping and learned by heart. I realise that it works and how good I feel when doing it. I like especially that I can do it at any place. I herewith want to thank you from the bottom of my heart."



Why does tapping makes sense for high sensitive people?

Studies show that chronic stress that may occur through high sensitivity) High sensitivity may lead to a low serotonine level in the body, which may bring forward the emergence of of depression. Serotonine is a very important neurotransmitter in the body. EFT tapping favourises a higher relase of serotonine.

Emotional freedom tapping offers you the possibility to improve your life in a soustainable way, especially if you have to deal with high sensitivy in connection with childhood trauma symptoms in adults which may often show in fear and anxiety, panic attacks, social fear and overload: It helps you very quickly to lower emotional signs of stress as well as to calm your autonomous nerves system nerves. You may also dissolve limiting and stressing beliefs and behaviour patterns which have arisen in stressful learning experiences in childhood (developmental trauma). This will help you to ease with the coping with high sensitivity as well as with developmental trauma considerably. 

The tapping has also a positive impact on the ventral vagus nerve.This creates more connection.

Is the effect scientifically proven?

The efficacity of the EFT tapping technique – emotional freedom techniques) has been proven in different studies. The most known is the so called Feinstein-Study, that Dr. Joaquin Andrade published together with David Feinstein in 2003. In this study, the results of 14 years of clinical work of treatment with energy therapy with over 29,000 subjects has been presented.

76 % of the subjects estimated the method as succesful for themselves for a treatment against stress and anxiety disorders, for example agoraphobia, phobias, problems of daily life, learning disorders, problems of communication and accrual, physical problems, eating disorders, mild depressions, addictions, learning difficulties etc.

How does tapping work?

There are different neurobiologicals models.

On the surface of the skin there are sensoric receptors, so called mechanoreceptors, that perceive mechanic stimulation, change it into an electrical stimulus and send it to the central nervous system. When we tap, we use accupuncture points, that are provided with many mechanoreceptors and have intense neural connections to areas in the brain, that participate in psychic processing procedures: the limbic system (with hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus) as well as the prefrontal cortex.

The electrical stimulus has an impact onto the brain waves, that release different neurotransmitters, i. e. serotonine, endogenous opioids, GABA etc. that then impact physiological responses in the body and thus have a positive impact on emotions and wellbeing.

Is tapping accupuncture the same as EFT tapping?

