Sensitive person symptoms

  • Do you feel lonely?
  • Do you feel quickly irritated and overstressed?
  • Are you chronically exhausted?
  • Do you feel like an alien?
  • Did you experience adversities during childhood (or a developmental or attachement trauma?)
durch hochsensibilität fühlt man sich oft wie ein alien

High sensitivity is not a disease.

Hochsensibilität und Trauma hängen eng zusammen

High sensitivity is mostly pure stress

Alarming signs of stress: you seem increasingly unable to calm down. At night you lay awake and can't come to rest. During the day you are tired and exhausted. Health problems arise (if they have not yet shown up) and slowly feelings of despondency, helplessness and powerlessness take over. You loose confidence in yourself and life and endure your life instead of creating and enjoying it.

The disastrous thing about it: the more you are stressed, the more sensitive you become and the more sensitive you are, the more stressed you become. In this way your stress level is increasing further and further.

Even though it may feel different: high sensitivity as such not requires a therapy or a treatment. According to the study researches of Dr. Patrice Wyrsch from the university of Bern 31 % of human population are able to perceive more than others, they are highly sensitive. This is a personal trait, as is intelligence. It means, that our body disposes of a nervous system that takes up stimuli very easily and processes these in a very profound and complex way.

If also stressful childhood events (developmental and attachment trauma) take place, this may lead to a chronification of certain inner states within you. All events are viewed through a filter of what happened to you. Scientifics speak of vulnerability.

Typical childhood trauma symptoms in adults are: anxiety, panic attacks, anxiety states, depression, depressive episodes, overcharge and chronic exhaustion. Even certain pathologies and body symptoms (which are aggravated through stress) may occur like chronic herpes infection, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, hemopyrrolic actamuria, fibromyalgia and adrenal fatigue.

Even a low self-esteem often has its roots in childhood, as does social phobia and social fears in general.

Maybe you ask yourself now, if it is possible to heal a childhood trauma with eft tapping and without trauma therapy?

Tapping can support you in changing the learnings you made in stressful experiences during childhood (developmental trauma).

EFT tapping calms and regulates your autonomic nervous system nerves and stimulates the anterior vagus nerve, which can have a positive effect on your social anxiety.

Ultra sensitive persons may particularly benefit from emotional freedom tapping, as the neurotransmitter serotonine is released through the nervous system, among other things – and a low serotonine level may be favourable for the onset of a depression. EFT tapping may help to overcome fear and anxiety, build self esteem, self confidence, self awareness. Have a look at the shared EFT stories examples of other tappers. To overcome the learnings of a childhood trauma, you need professional support. Therefore, the anual EFT training"How to cope with high sensitivity" has been developed.

Sensitive person symptoms

Am I highly sensitive?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed easily?
  • Do you feel like an alien on earth?
  • Do you feel everything very intensely?
  • Do you feel a deep hunger for sense?
  • Are you sad and melancholic very often and/or exhausted and tired or do you suffer from fatigue?
  • Does the word "highly sensitive" resonate with you?
  • Are you chronically stressed?
  • Do you feel that you lack self love?

Do you recognize yourself in this bullet list?

New scientific researches indicate the highsensitivity is just a personal trait, like intelligence. About 31 % of all people are able to perceive more than others, on different levels.

If you experienced childhood trauma, i.e. if you have experienced adverse childhood experiences and received little support, you may develop a so-called “vulnerability”, a particular susceptibility to fears (including panic attacks, anxiety, etc.), depression, etc. You then only see everything through the filter of your experiences. Negativity may color your life. This is because you have not learned to control and regulate your emotions. We usually learn this from our parents.

If you suspect to be highly sensitive, please have a look below at the symptoms of high sensitivity.

High sensitivity personality
  • Often you feel more connected to others than the other way round
  • You are a good listener
  • You percieve the states, moods and relations between others very intensely
  • Often you are naive and trusting
  • You have a problem with boundaries
  • You put the needs of others before your own
  • You draw back in case of conflict (need of harmony, a conflict is a stimulus)
  • You feel the moods of others like your own
  • You have a strong ethical sense (you strive to be an idealistic nature)
  • When being watched (i. e. during exams), you tend to perform not as good as you could
  • Often you suffer from exam anxiety symptoms and exam nerves
Highly sensitive body symptoms
  • You are sensitive to everything in the air (smells, fine dust, vapours, dust, ozone, smoke, pollen etc.)
  • You perceive sounds intensely
  • You don't get used to obtrusive sounds
  • You perceive noise intensely (i. e. as pain)
  • You perceive optical and accustical stimuli more subtly
  • You perceive pressure, heat and cold in a differenciated manner
  • You feel pain intensely
  • Your response to coffee and other stimuli is intense
  • Your blood pressure tends to be low (sometimes extremely)
  • Hunger affects you in a strong way
  • You have fine motor skills
  • You are easily scared
  • You are not very stress resistent
  • You are not very resilient (easily exhausted and weak)
  • You react sensitively to physical, emotional and mental overstimulation and are therefore prone to states of overwhelm
Mental symptoms
  • You have good concentration capacities
  • You are easily moved by art, music and nature
  • You are interested in people
  • Your dreams are colourful and intense
  • You dispose of a very good intuition
  • You feel overwhelmed, when a lot is going on (need of withdrawl)
  • You tend to overthinking
  • You see things not only black and white but also the shades of grey in between
  • You can establish cross-links
  • You want to understand (for example the sense of life)
  • You have a strong sense of justice
  • You have a vivid imagination (including future developments)
  • Your reflectivity is very strong
  • You have difficulties with decisions (you ponder about eventual consequences, also for others)
  • You think of the big whole
  • You work diligently (a good performance is important to you)
  • You reject yourself
  • You aim to be perfect and do not accept mistakes (not your own, not those of others)
  • You cry easily
  • You love to learn!
  • Sometimes you suffer phases from Weltschmerz
  • Changes mess you up
  • You are an idealist

Dear Ms Richrath,

finally you hear from me. I am still an enthusiastic tapper. I do it several times a day and experience amazing things: the allergies which haunted me seem to have disappeared.

What is still difficult are intolerances, like "cosmic radiances" or "environmental toxines". I use bioresonance therapy and use EFT tapping too.

I think I learn that allergies and intolerances are not the same.

But thanks to you tapping technique, I can release sadness, depressive moods, pain in the stomach etc. I feel better, more alert, have more joy and sleep bettter.

Thank you very much for being there."


„Years of behavioural therapy and Opipramol as well as the theoretical recommendations of my therapyst had not the same astounding success as the method you described. I have the feeling not to be any longer prone helplessly of my anxieties, moods, restlessness ... I found your page via detours and tried the method in a phase where I was ready to accept the statement of my therapist "You are a very sensible person, very dramatic and your behaviour patterns will always arise with blocked emotions and overstress".
After having tapped for some days, I know it wont happen! Thank you for being present online!"

I am very high sensitive, I just came to realise that recently. It has been a hard way so far and I have hurt other people through my behaviour. I never gave up.

I found today your page on you tube and don't think it is no coincidence. I have downloaded the basic techniques of tapping and learned by heart. I realise that it works and how good I feel when doing it. I like especially that I can do it at any place. I herewith want to thank you from the bottom of my heart."

