Generated and written all by myself:-))

Why your body is so important for you

von Monika Richrath

13. June 2024

voyagerix man lookig at himself in mirrorDid you ever think of how it would feel, if you would really love your body? If you were so proud of it that you like to look at it in the mirror in a naked state? Exactly the way it is? With spare tyre, overweight, body parts you consider too small or too big, maybe not very muscular, without energy or without a special attraction?

Radical rejection of the body

Most people reject their bodies in a very radical way by doing everything possible to change their bodies or to fit it into something it is not. As if we could become someone else, if we change our bodies. On a very superficial level it might even be true. But as I am examining things on a deeper level, this article will be about why our body is so important to us. And this has nothing to do with how our body looks!

Of course I am no exception. From my very lithe and lissom 54 kg (today I know that they probably were the result of a metabolism that didn't work properly) I gained a considerable overweight trough the intake of antidepressants. Things even got worse during menopause. So I found myself in a very intense rejection of my body and myself that lasted for decades. I was totally unable to change anythingabout it – even though there have been attempts.

Of course, I believed that if only

I get my former weight back, my life will be good again!54

Today my attitude seems very ridiculous to me. My self rejection was so intense that it comprised everything of me, not only the body. Today I see my wish in a very different light. I understood that my 54 kg were the expression of a general languishing and for nothing in the world I want to go back there!

The desire for a different body for more recognition

and a better attitude to life is nothing that only affects women. Men have long since followed, the wave of "self optimization" has grasped the whole world, including teenagers in a ever younger age. All these think that if they correspond to a certain body image they will be happy.

But we do not only reject our bodies because we do not like how they look or because they do not correspond to societal norms, but also, because they do not work as they are supposed to do. Very often we are

plaged by annoying pains and symptoms,

making our life difficult ("if only these ...pains were not there ...!"). Or we have to do with chronical diseases and pathologies that medical experts do nothing about (and are not teached about) like for example a chronical herpes disease which may impact our life in a way that a "normal life" is no longer possible.

The sense of these states and diseases often shows when we get into existential crises, when nothing is possible any more. Only when we start to look for the causes of our states, when we are ready to deal with ourselves. Very often we come to the conclusion that the so called disease has been a blessing for us because it came to us as a kind of awakening. Our body has awakened us. He does it all the time.

pain 277062 640Our body is our very best friend we have in this lifetime.

He does his best to support us through our journey through this life. He is sending us messages all the time and draws our attention to things that are not appropriate for us, that are not good, that should be different. And what do we do? We dont listen. We pay no attention. This is annoying to us. We prefer to take some pills instead of listening to our body. Even it would be so usefull.

Because our body NEVER lies to us.

He is backing us unconditionally, really absolutely unconditionally. Even though we thank him really badly. Because we do not meet this needs at all or very inadequately. (Our machines and devices often get a far better treatment than our bodies!). Because we got used to a life in which the fulfillment of these needs is not regarded as essentital (but this does not mean that these needs have lost any of their importance!) These needs are not about essential things like enough sleeep, enough rest, relaxation and nourishing food. Is is also about emotional needs like being seen and heard, aliveness, joy, freedom, autonomy, self acceptance, authenticity, self expression and connection with the self – only to name a few of these universal human needs.

How do you meet this universal needs?hierarchyofneeds gettyimages

The really weird thing is that we reject our bodies on one side but elevate and overestimate all mental things. As if your thoughts were true just because they are the product of a thinking process.

Especially highly sensitive people are mostly in their head and not in the body.

Of course, there is an obvious reason. Especially, if there is a connection to childhood trauma. It is the attempt to provide safety, bringing order into chaos, to sort things out and to evaluate them. This is a very comprehensive strategy of survival. But it is very definitely not what helps you to feel better in the long term. (On the contrary, it helps keeping you stuck in anxiety patterns etc.)

Therefore, I would like to draw your attention to the fact (it does not really matter if you are ultra sensitive or not), that music plays not in the head. Your head/brain/mental body etc. is NOT your friend. Your thoughts often lie to you by presenting a distorted reality to you. All you experience today is evaluated after criteria you have established at an age, when you disposed of only very limited coping mechanisms. Even the dissolution of limiting beliefs is only helpful to a certain extent.

What is missing is your connection to your body.

I am sure you will understand immediately if I tell you that most people are separated from themselves. That they have an inner void which they try to circumvent with different strategies? (My strategy was to find validation outside from me instead of giving it to myself!) But this does not work, this void can only be dissolved by taking place in the body. It is really as simple as that.

May be you know that I entered the spiritual community of Kerry K. in October 2023. The reason for this was because I felt that nothing in my life made sense any longer.

– There was this extremely confusing intensive telepathic connection with a man that goes beyond everything I have experienced so far and was and is emotionally extremely challenging.

– I lost different regular earnings through ai

– There was a feeling of being stuck as an EFT coach, even though I could not imagine ever doing something else.

What I learned in that community over course of time is how important our body is for us.

Our body is our vehicle for this life.

It is in this body that everything takes place. In this body feelings are processed (which may also be a reason for which many people withdraw from their bodies because they want to avoid feeling), our body is the home for our divine spark, our soul, our intuition, it is within this body we receive guidance and connect with the universe, the divine, however you may call it.

Everything changes,

if you sit down in your body. Really everything. I find it quite indescribable. Slowly, I come to myself. Things that have haunted me all my life are dissolving or I am receiving insights. For example that the reason for my life long self rejection is that my mother has said to herself (long long before my birth) that she could never love me. I obviously have adopted this thought and made it my own. So in a sense my life was already damaged?spoiled? even before I was born ...

I have a better understanding of myself and my life and my significance for the world. I have indeed a very special task.

But it has nothing to do with

my soul purpose.


I had assumed I would stay an EFT coach until the end of my days. Wrong thinking. The universe had other plans with me and has nudged me very explicitely to take over a new task. After I had overcome the shock (which thanks god did not take long due to my flexibility), it turned out that my soul purpose has already been waiting for me ... Actually, I have been preparing for it my whole life ...

My soul purpose is to support you to come into your body,

to connect yourself more with your body and yourself,

in a very easy and playful way. With Bodyfullsounds I have created a bilingual online membership area as online space for transformation for creative self expression through the body and the voice. In this space, I help you to connect you to yourself through guided impulses that build on each other. The really amazing thing about is that

22 universal human needs are met at once.

Besides the above mentioned there are also: internal peace, presence, spontaneity, play, flow, self care and stimulation.

We meet once a week online on Thursdays. It is not necessary to participate with camera and microphone. Anyway, camera and microphone are off during the impulses so that you have really the space to explore yourself. It is definitely no therapeutic setting (even though I have put resources at your disposal in the membership area that will help you to better cope with eventually upcoming feelings.) It is more like a playground, where you can

connect with very important but neglected needs.

roomforyourneedsI try to tune the impulses to the actual daily energies I can perceive (regarding solar storms and other cosmic energies in general). Please note: I do not teach you anything in this space. I encourage and support you to become more yourself. This means I also do the impulses on my side. But my microphone and camera are also off during this time (except for the explanation of the impulses of course). For some, it may be unsettling to be thrown back to oneself, but this is exactly the magic of this space. I can't show you something because it will influence your expression and you wont express yourself as YOU then.

Frankly speaking, I think that

the effects of Bodyfullsounds beat EFT by far,

because you create a connection in realms you normally not enter with EFT. But of course it also applies here that you have to do it for a longer period (even though you have an immediate tangible effect). Please note that you do not have to participate live but can also watch the replay at your disposal in the call library.

I kindly invite you to test Bodyfullsounds once. The membership fee is only a fraction of my coaching price. In addition, you have a 7 days free trial period. The membership area works as a subscription which you can cancel of course every month.

monika richrath eft fuer hochsensible
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Monika Richrath
Ich bin Monika Richrath, Mentorin und Coach für EFT (Klopfakupressur). Seit 2012 schreibe ich hier sehr PERSÖNLICH über die Themen, Hochsensibilität, Gesundheit, Psychologie, EFT und (Entwicklungs)Trauma.

About me

Monika Richrath

Ich bin Monika Richrath, Mentorin und Coach für EFT (Klopfakupressur). Seit 2012 schreibe ich hier sehr PERSÖNLICH über die Themen, Hochsensibilität, Gesundheit, Psychologie, EFT und (Entwicklungs)Trauma.

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4 Kommentare

  1. Gundula

    Liebe Monika,

    sehr hüsch siehst Du aus, mit Deiner superkurzen Frisur. 🙂
    Und Deine neuen Ideen machen auch einen guten Eindruck. Sie werden Dich erfüllen und weiter bringen auf Deinen Weg.

    Ich bin für diese freie Gestaltung nicht geeignet, dies ist mir irgendwie „zu offen“. Gleichwohl bin ich mit meinem Körper täglich schon zu einem großen Teil immer freundlich verbunden und danke für die Einheit von Körper, Geist und Seele.

    Alles Liebe Für Dich von Gundula

    • Monika Richrath

      Danke schön Gundula. Ja, es ist mir klar, das ist nicht für alle was. Letzten Endes geht es ja darum, die totale Freiheit zu erfahren, auch mit sich selbst. Das berührt wirklich sehr, sehr tiefe (und auch spirituelle) Ebenen.

      Liebe Grüße,

  2. Karin

    Liebe Monika,
    Wie schön, dass Du wieder neu startest. Deine Beiträge haben mich immer und immer wieder sehr bereichert und auch dieser. Danke dafür!

    • Monika Richrath

      Sehr gerne Karin und danke schön!Das Bloggen geschieht jetzt vermutlich eher unregelmäßig, das mache ich, wie ich Lust habe. Ansonsten kann ich dich nur ermutigen, Bodyfullsounds mal auszuprobieren. Es ist wirklich eine wunderschöne Sache. Liebe Grüße, Monika


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